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Have you tried the Hot Milkshakes from Costa Coffee?



Sep 23, 2023
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I was shocked to hear that Costa Coffee has started doing Hot Milkshakes. Some people have tried them and like them and others are repulsed by it and have refused to try them.

Some have said it is a thick milkshake but warm. One of the flavours I know there is that I am tempted to try is Salted Caramel.

Have you tried the hot milkshakes from Costa Coffee? Does where you live do something similar?
Nope, I haven't tried them yet and probably won't either.
They sound gross as milkshakes are supposed to be cold.
I'm not sure if we have Costa Coffee here but if I find it, I'll definitely try their hot milkshake. From the name, I'm assuming it is just another coffee shop like Starbucks or Cafe Coffee Day?
I can't say that I have tried the hot milkshakes from Costa Coffee before. The concept intrigues me though - a warm, velvety milkshake does sound incredibly indulgent and comforting, especially on a chilly day. I'm imagining rich flavors like decadent chocolate or cozy vanilla blended to steaming perfection.