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Have you thought about baby names?



Mar 4, 2024
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I know most of us on this forum are not married yet, have you ever thought about the names you would give your children when you finally have kids? For me I have never thought about this though but i think it would be nice to have this discussion with whoever i start dating in the future.
I thought so, but it's not as serious as it might seem. I just go through the ones I like. The only thing I know is that I would like to call the child a national name and not something like Mia, Angelica and the like because these are not native names for my country
Lol that's nice @deucher I have never really had any serious thoughts yet. I feel me and my partner should be the one to think about it and agree on a name.
I think it's a very great idea when you think, plan and keep your children names ready before you get them. I am saying that because it can become so stressful to produce the names at times they are needed.
I already have names for my babies. And they are names from my native language. I intend to give my kids very catchy names and it must be somehow biblical but in my local language.
I am married, and I have twin kids who are 16 years old now. I remember when they were born, we searched lots of names on Google. It took many days to finalize their names. They had tough but unique names. I don't find anyone with the same name.