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Have you saved your passwords in Browser?



Mar 24, 2024
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I have started to earn online on a couple of websites and most active on this very forum. Also my other passwords related to Facebook account and emails are all stored in my phone browser. I find it convenient to save my passwords in the browser.
I wouldn't recommend saving passwords in a browser. One of the first actions many viruses take when they infect a computer is to download the browser's password file.
I always save my passwords, this helps me in case I forget in the future or I won't have to stress myself in always typing it.
I wouldn't recommend saving passwords in a browser. One of the first actions many viruses take when they infect a computer is to download the browser's password file.
Is that so? I was saving all my passwords in my chrome, so I will now remove these. Do you recommend any other free way to save passwords?
Since it's not safe to save all passwords in the browser it's better to exercise caution and find other relevant ways
As an online worker, I use multiple sites and I also frequently sign up with new sites, it is not possible to remember all those usernames and passwords, therefore, to simplify things, I save username and password on browser, I have never encountered any problem by doing this
After my online studies on cyber security, it was then that I know that saving passwords on browser is a good and better way. I started saving all my passwords on it in case if I eventually forget it or lost my mobile phone.