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Have you revised your thoughts after learning more about this subject?


Chipi Chipi Chapa Chapa

Feb 9, 2024
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Many people have the tendency to be reluctant to acknowledge that they were misinformed, and they even resisted changing their minds after being presented with more reliable and accurate facts. On the other hand, I believe that it would be fantastic if I were to have a change of heart and later on get more accurate facts.
I changed my thinking 100% on the subject of Christianity once I educated myself. I read the 4 banned gospels of Judas Iscariot, the gospel of Thomas, the gospel of Phillip, and the gospel of Mary Magdelene. Then I read the teachings of the Essenes sect, then studied the ceremonies and teachings of the first century Christians.

After all that I no longer believe.
It all depends on each individual. If I have been fed with wrong information and I later come across the right one. The first thing I would do is get the correct facts cause I do not want to make a fool of myself out there.
Absolutely, I'm always open to revising my thoughts as I gain more knowledge and perspective on any given subject. I try to approach topics with humility, knowing that my current stance may change as I continue learning.
One thing that I can say that I am proud of myself with is that I am not closed minded. When once the proofs are empirical and irrefutable, I would make the change in my belief system. It is not easy though to change a mindset for most people.