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Have you found valuable things underground?



Mar 5, 2024
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As a child, I liked to play with my girlfriends and we could often dig up the ground, I don't even remember why, and once we found a piece of metal, but we didn't realize at the time that it was a very old coin. We gave it to my parents and as I recall it was an 1880 coin
No I have not. I have never been the type to look for valuable things before. Who knows though maybe I might be lucky to find something if i try.
Nope, never tried it, what exactly will I be looking for by digging the ground? There were a lot of things I did when I was young, but digging the ground is definitely not one of them!
I haven't found anything like that and I never really liked to dig up and all my childhood I used to either play cricket or Video games
As a child, I liked to play with my girlfriends and we could often dig up the ground, I don't even remember why, and once we found a piece of metal, but we didn't realize at the time that it was a very old coin. We gave it to my parents and as I recall it was an 1880 coin
I have but not anything precious, just craps
Childhood is the best stage in life not withstanding the troubles
True, at this stage we are usually not worried about what to eat, what to wear or what people actually think about us. We just live freely and do what we want.
Wow, it was a precious coin you found. No, I never found anything valuable under the groud while digging it.
When I was 10 years old, my friends and I dug a soft soil. We planned to create a cake and so suddenly, we were terrified because we were able to dig a human bone. It seemed a human being was murdered and buried on that land. My brother was a policeman and he brought the bone, half arm to the laboratory. To make the story short, the owner was a young man from another town who was killed 6 years ago and the killers were still at large.
@Scorpion oh my God. It's scary. Have not you asked your brother about the culprits after few days? Were they caught ?. I am sad for that young man who was killed and buried and his family did come to know about him.😥
I haven't found anything like that and mostly I stay away from any such sites as when the dig you may see many sort of insects