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Have you faced any health-related issues during your Childhood?



Mar 23, 2024
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I used to get sick every year and was not sure what was the cause and then I used to take leave from school and even when I started working I faced this but thankfully nothing is bothering me now.

Have you faced any health-related issues during your Childhood?
As a child, I was poisoned very often. No one could understand why my stomach is so weak, so they always prepared me special dishes that were very simple and not difficult for the body. Now I don't have such problems, but at that time it was difficult for me to eat
None that I can remember so far though. But i have never had an issues with my health since growing up. I have not been admitted once as well. The highest so far is buy drugs.
Thankfully, I'm not someone that is susceptible to diseases of most kind. So I never really encountered a serious health issue while growing up and that has continied up to this moment.
No I don't faced any it's just severe illnesses liked malaria and fever and it was annually but now every thing was going normal I don't it severely liked in the past
As a child, I was poisoned very often. No one could understand why my stomach is so weak, so they always prepared me special dishes that were very simple and not difficult for the body. Now I don't have such problems, but at that time it was difficult for me to eat
Wow, glad you don't have to face any such issues now. It's tough when you have to follow a special diet or dishes need to be prepared in a special way for you
I suffered from chicken pox very badly when I was 13-14 years old. I still have the scars of it on the back. I was separated from all for more than 10 days. I got infected from one of my brothers. I didn't knew that chicken pox can be so fatal.
No, I did not have any health issues when I was a child and up to this time. I am full of exercise swimming in our pool at home and on the beaches near home. My breakfast was fresh milk and one egg. I did not eat rice when I was a kid. I started eating rice when I entered elementary.