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Have you ever worn a hat in winter?


Chipi Chipi Chapa Chapa

Feb 9, 2024
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For me, winter in childhood was very cold, although the temperature was not lower than -5 and for the child's body it was necessary to wear a hat, but now when the temperature is -5, it is not cold for me and I only wear a hood
I only wear hats when I'm having a bad hair day, if I haven't washed my hair. If it's snowing out, I wear my hooded coat.
I wear woolly cap indoors as well as outdoors during winter, however, I do not wear hats. I have worn summer hats but never worn hats in the winter. However, I like wearing woolly caps to avoid cold during winter. In my younger days, I did not like to wear woolly caps but as I am growing older, I care more about comfort rather than looks
I only wear hats when I'm having a bad hair day, if I haven't washed my hair. If it's snowing out, I wear my hooded coat.
I also don't always feel comfortable wearing a hood if there's something wrong with my hair, but when it's snowing and it's really cold, the hood freezes my ears, so even if it doesn't look bad, I have to wear a hat even if it's not for long
Whenever the weather is too much cold during winter season, I will avail myself to wear winter hats so that my head will be covered and protected from the excessive cold of the season. I also wear hats during summer as well especially when the weather is too hot and I will have to work under the sun.
Whenever the weather is too much cold during winter season, I will avail myself to wear winter hats so that my head will be covered and protected from the excessive cold of the season. I also wear hats during summer as well especially when the weather is too hot and I will have to work under the sun.
This is correct because in winter you can get sick very quickly if you don't wear a hat and I have had this happen more than once. Also, in the summer, I got sunstroke several times because I didn't wear a hat when I was working outdoors
As much as I would love to experience winter, we don't have winter here. Maybe one day I would find myself in a country where there is winter, then I would wear a hat and come back here to let you know 😂
I always wear baseball caps but will put on a tuque in the winter when it's super cold.
I use whatever is necessary to keep myself warm. I try not to wear fancy stuff though.

Keep it minimal and simple. Give enough room for some fashion.
I use whatever is necessary to keep myself warm. I try not to wear fancy stuff though.

Keep it minimal and simple. Give enough room for some fashion.
I also try to follow this because people don't care how I look anyway and I wouldn't want to get sick just because I looked cool. Although sometimes warm winter clothes can look stylish
Thinking too much is harmful sometimes. Do what is required within your budget. Don't let people decide. It is entirely up to you to keep yourself healthy and sound.
Of course, hats are an essential part of my cold-weather wardrobe! When the temperatures drop, you'll find me bundled up in a warm knit hat that covers my ears. Beanies are my go-to for their combination of style and function. On exceptionally frigid days, I'll layer with a soft hat liner underneath for extra insulation.
I don't wear a hat in winter because I'm a girl and I always have long hair that needs to be combed for a long time to keep it normal. I only wear a hood