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Have you ever resigned from a job? Why?



Mar 26, 2024
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Resigning from a job is some decision that we might have to make at a certain point in our working lives. It could be for whatsoever reason and we decide to resign.

Have you ever resigned from a job? How did the organization take it? What was the reason that you resigned from the job?
I have resigned from a job before. I was working as a photo editor, but from there I started working as the manager and printer, secretary and even canvasing. The work load was too much and the worse part besides being underpaid was that my boss never appreciated my efforts.
Yes, I have resigned from the jobs. It is my 6th job where I am presently working. Every time the reason for resigning is the increase in the salary. I have always joined an organization where I get a 30% salary increase. Yes, the management doesn't accept the resignation easily because they don't want to lose an experienced employee and I always had to give a notice for a month.