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Have you ever missed a plane flight?


Chipi Chipi Chapa Chapa

Feb 9, 2024
Reaction score
I didn't have this because I didn't fly on airplanes that often in my life, so I always took a very responsible approach to it and I was at the airport an hour and a half before boarding
The few times I have had to fly on a plane, it is always sponsored by my office. They would follow you up to make sure that you are at the airport latest one hour before the departure time.
No. I am lucky that I learned to be on time. That is something I am proud of. Never been late when there is anything important.
I have missed a flight once in my life. There was just too much for me. I knew I would miss the flight because of the things that needed my attention so urgently. I just told the guys that I was working with to board and leave because the things I needed to attend to were important.
Good for me that I do not that kind of travel much. I prefer doing short distance.

Using airlines is good but these days they keep you waiting for long.
I have never missed a plan fight or any other means of transportation I have booked down before.
Haha! I have not had that kind of experience, and never will. I'm someone who tries as much as possible to arrive at the airport at least an hour to my flight to avoid stories that touch.
Yes but only one time. My heart sank as I sprinted through the terminal, only to watch in horror as the jetway door closed seconds before I reached the gate. Despite my pleas, the airline staff was unyielding - I had missed my flight. In that moment, a mix of embarrassment, panic, and frustration washed over me as I faced the daunting prospect of rebooking and killing time until the next available departure. It was an expensive lesson in the importance of arriving at the airport with ample time to spare.
I flew only twice, but once we were very late at the airport. The stewardess was already going to close the door for boarding, but we begged very hard to let us in too. They didn't hesitate long because they had to follow the schedule, so we took our seats very quickly
I have never missed my flight. I am always intentional about being at the boarding point very early. But it is not a big deal if you miss your flight, you just have to pay extra to get rescheduled.
No i have never booked a plane flight before but i have never missed any other means of transportation because i used to arrive earlier
No, I have never missed a train or a plane. I always try to reach the spot before half an hour so that I may not miss a flight or a train. We should always consider traffic jams, as they are the main reason for missing a flight, as far as I know.