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Have you ever had a parrot that could talk?


Chipi Chipi Chapa Chapa

Feb 9, 2024
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As a child, I saw many videos where a parrot talked and I also wanted to have such a friend and even my parents bought him, but he never spoke, although I spent a lot of time training him. Maybe it was just the wrong breed. He died half a year ago
Yes, I have seen parrots talk like men. They utter words that are similar to human language.

But it is more like a recorder. I don't they think parrot understand a word of what they are chanting.
I have never had one though. Over here parrots are pretty expensive to own. I have only come across some with sellers by the road side.
I didn't have one that talked, but I had a simple budgerigar and it wasn't really that expensive to keep, but I don't know how much it could be for those that talk. I was lucky and I got my parrot for free, but I plan to buy the one that speaks, so I'm already saving a certain amount
There are many wild parrots near to my place. They do not know how to speak. Some capture them and teach them to talk (?).

Parrots are plenty in this area. So are doves.
There are many wild parrots near to my place. They do not know how to speak. Some capture them and teach them to talk (?).

Parrots are plenty in this area. So are doves.
In fact, I do not think that a possible adult parrot can be taught to speak. This is probably even necessary for a parrot that was born by a parrot while in captivity, and then they will be more adapted to humans, and only then, I think, can he be taught to speak
Possible. Never tried it myself. I think it is cruel to capture one and make it domestic.

And making it do tricks is worse. Let it fly around like a free soul
Truly a parrot alter a sounds too much but not that parrot talk like human being or can response to conversation like a human being will do but will keep making that sounds and never get tired
As a child, I saw many videos where a parrot talked and I also wanted to have such a friend and even my parents bought him, but he never spoke, although I spent a lot of time training him. Maybe it was just the wrong breed. He died half a year ago
I never had a talking parrot , but I have seen one when I was young which is owned by a neighbour and was surprised at first when I saw it..
I had a quaker parakeet that could whistle the first bar of "Dixie" and do a wolf whistle. I had a cockatail that would say "Give me a beer Harry!" and would also say "Pretty boy Harry" and also "What are you doing Harry?"
As a child, I saw many videos where a parrot talked and I also wanted to have such a friend and even my parents bought him, but he never spoke, although I spent a lot of time training him. Maybe it was just the wrong breed. He died half a year ago
I have seen a talking parrot I'm the zoo, but never had one. I am surprised that they try to speak human language .
I never had a talking parrot , but I have seen one when I was young which is owned by a neighbour and was surprised at first when I saw it..
I was also surprised when I first saw a talking parrot because I had seen it in real life before on the Internet. And it was unusual to hear from an animal that it can pronounce human words, right?
No, I've never personally owned a parrot that could talk, though I find their remarkable ability to mimic human speech fascinating. A close friend growing up had a blue and gold macaw named Petey who could recite dozens of phrases and small conversations. Hearing that parrot carry on "discussions" by stringing together contextual words and sentences was both amusing and impressive.
Not me personally, but I have a friend who has a parrot at his home. The parrot practically mimics the words of humans. I usually ask it 'how are you' whenever I go to his place. Since then when the parrot sees me he tells me 'how are you'? 😃
Makes me want to have a parrot too.
I did not have such a pet, but my children really want a parrot. I understand that it will be very interesting for them to listen to him repeat after them, but now they consider it as a toy and not a living animal, so they will eventually stop caring for him.
Actually yes but they just utter words like similar to human beings but I think they do not understand it
I never pet a talking bird like a parrot but my neigbor has. My neighbor also has a big resto and because the parrot was trained to talk so diners were amused. However somebody taught the bird to talk on an ugly words like you're ugly so one time, lovers dined there but the bird was ignored by the lady when the parrot said Hi so the bird got mad and shouted at the young lady ' you're ugly'. The lady got mad.
I have never seen a parrot in my life that talks so I am not even sure if they exist or not