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Have you ever burnt your food?


Active Contributor

Nov 12, 2023
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I've come to the realization that cooking isn't meant for everyone. There are some people who are so good at cooking they are supposed to have a restaurant of their own while there are some who struggle with it to the extent they always burn most of the food they try to cook. My sister stopped cooking anything in the house because she's always used to burning the entire food which makes us still order food to eat.

Do you burn your food often?
Only a few times. I remember burning my bacon as I left it in the frying pan too long.
Last year on Christmas Eve, my brother somehow burnt the pigs in blankets, lol.
I am always burning my food

the toast, the christmas dinner, cookies, pizza, I just burn everything
I have on a few occasions burnt food on accident but never intentionally. I remember last year when I did Christmas dinner, I accidentally burned the pigs in blankets, they were not happy about that one LOL
I have only had the unpleasant experience of burning my foot only once when I was still a teenager. My mother gave me the beating of my life because she had to make me understand the risk that comes with having to burn your food in the house as it is capable of setting the whole house ablaze if you are not careful. Ever since then, I've never burnt my food again.
Burning the food that I eat was not common with me when I was growing up, but a lot of things changed when I started living alone at school. My first experience of burning my food at school happened one day when I returned from school and wanted to make noodles. I didn't know when I slept off only to be called out by a neighbour that the food was burning.
I am always burning my food

the toast, the christmas dinner, cookies, pizza, I just burn everything
There is a very good reason why you keep burning your food whenever you cook. I would say it may be as a result of not being focused with what you are cooking. Do you usually go to the sitting room to watch the television when you are cooking? Watching television can have you distracted to burn your food.
I had cases when I was just starting to learn, I burned food several times, but it was washed away with time, but sometimes there are moments when you need to fry a product for a very long time, but you simply do not notice the moment when it is fried very strongly and at the end it burns because it is little moment
Burning the food that I eat was not common with me when I was growing up, but a lot of things changed when I started living alone at school. My first experience of burning my food at school happened one day when I returned from school and wanted to make noodles. I didn't know when I slept off only to be called out by a neighbour that the food was burning.
This can always happens to anyone when they slept off as they are cooking. If I'm feeling any bit of sleep, I will never make any attempts to try and cook because I know it's a 90-10 percent chance of me sleeping off and the food will burn to ashes. This can burn a house down if you're not careful.
This can always happens to anyone when they slept off as they are cooking. If I'm feeling any bit of sleep, I will never make any attempts to try and cook because I know it's a 90-10 percent chance of me sleeping off and the food will burn to ashes. This can burn a house down if you're not careful.
I often have such cases because I can use my smartphone while I'm cooking and very often when I come across an interesting video I can forget everything in the world and even 2-3 minutes can be enough for the food to burn.
I enjoy cooking, I also consider myself a good cook. However, I have burned my food multiple times. That usually happens when I leave the kitchen and go elsewhere, bathroom for instance, or engage in other activities, talking on phone for instance. That's why I do not like distractions while cooking.
I have actually burnt my food on several occasions. This usually happens at times when I have so many things to do at the same time, and I also have to cook as well.
Burning of food is a normal thing for any person that seeks to prepare his own food. It mostly happens with warming the food more than actually cooking the food. It was because of the fact that I used to burn foods that I switched over completely from stove to microwave for warming.
I have actually burnt my food on several occasions. This usually happens at times when I have so many things to do at the same time, and I also have to cook as well.
I've also tried doing something else while cooking but I've been burning my food so often that it's no longer profitable for me, I'd rather take a break from everything else for the time being and just focus on this simple process
I've come to the realization that cooking isn't meant for everyone. There are some people who are so good at cooking they are supposed to have a restaurant of their own while there are some who struggle with it to the extent they always burn most of the food they try to cook. My sister stopped cooking anything in the house because she's always used to burning the entire food which makes us still order food to eat.

Do you burn your food often?

I have burnt my food a couple of times as a result of watching movies. My man has talked a couple of times and got tired. What I do now is that when I cook, I don't watch movies at all to avoid burning the food.
I have to admit, I'm not the most skilled chef in the world. Burning food happens more often than I'd like, especially when I get distracted and forget something is on the stove or in the oven. The smoke alarm has gone off from my culinary mishaps more times than I can count!
"Burning my food" is my middle name. In fact I'm so bad at it that my girlfriend has permanently banned me from the kitchen!:confused:
This happened to me very often because I cook a lot and I need to gain experience. If I only cooked a few dishes, this would not have happened, but I often experiment, so there are still cases when I burned food