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Have you ever broken any glass during your childhood?



Mar 23, 2024
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I was so into cricket back in those days that I used to start playing in my house, LOL. I broke the glass windows of our house and even our neighbors’ windows too! I faced punishments, LOL, but even after that, I kept doing the same thing over and over again.

Have you ever broken any glass during your childhood?
I can't really remember much of these details, but am pretty sure I broke some glass when small and while growing up. Even as a young adult, I have have broken some glass by mistake.
Well well well, is there anybody who hasn't? I can't even count the number of glasses I have broken while I was young. And sometimes I can still picture how it felt when my mom will always whoop my ass for it!
At home, I never broke the glass, although I often played football in my own yard. However, I used to break glass at school when I was playing with my friends at recess. Nobody saw it and nobody knew that it was me, that's why when the teachers asked, I didn't say that it was me, that's why I think nobody knows who broke that glass.
Yes brother in pee I broke so many at home playing football in the house because I am not allow to went for playing in the field but I serve punishment through out the day but I haven't try to do so because I hate punishments
I always broke a glass when I was a kid which was why I always got a sharp prick from my elder sister. Even this time I still a beak a glass when out of concentration especially when I am in a hurry to finish what I drink.
At home, I never broke the glass, although I often played football in my own yard. However, I used to break glass at school when I was playing with my friends at recess. Nobody saw it and nobody knew that it was me, that's why when the teachers asked, I didn't say that it was me, that's why I think nobody knows who broke that glass.
Haha that was good then, you saved yourself from unnecessary trouble, I have broken both at home and at school and was punished at both places LOL
Many times, I have broken the glass, but not intentionally. I don't know if I did it in childhood, but recently I was taking something from the drawer with glass on it that was broken. Thankfully, I didn't injure my hand.
I am like others and have played cricket in my home and street and also football and broken glasses but it was unintentional