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Have you ever bought clothes online and what was your experience?


Chipi Chipi Chapa Chapa

Feb 9, 2024
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Very often, we cannot find the model we need in a store in a shopping center, and many people choose to buy online because there is much more product available, but you will not always get a size that fits you from the Internet, because when you measure the same size of your old clothes, they do not correspond to those indicated on the website
I've shopped for so many clothes online. Most of the time, I get exactly what I've ordered but there are days when they give me trash. I would have to return it.
I've shopped for so many clothes online. Most of the time, I get exactly what I've ordered but there are days when they give me trash. I would have to return it.
I have very often had cases when they sent me the wrong product that I ordered and it is very annoying because this is their only job and they cannot even track what they send. And there were even cases when they even refused to exchange the product and said that it was no different from what I ordered and the functions were the same
I frequently buy clothes online and so far I do not have any bad experience. When buying online, I only buy cheap products (cheap by price and not by quality), including clothes, when buying expensive items, I like visiting stores physically and test the items before making the purchase decision.
I have never bought cloths online before, the highest I have done is shoes and I actually got what I ordered. My little nieces on the other hand have gotten some of their cloths online, though the delivery took time, but they got what they ordered.
I have never bought cloths online before, the highest I have done is shoes and I actually got what I ordered. My little nieces on the other hand have gotten some of their cloths online, though the delivery took time, but they got what they ordered.
It is very lucky when you get clothes and shoes of the right size, because this happens when manufacturers have different sizes and even if it seems that it should fit you, it turns out that the clothes are much bigger and you have to spend money again to send it back and order again, because it is difficult to make a mistake the second time
It is very lucky when you get clothes and shoes of the right size, because this happens when manufacturers have different sizes and even if it seems that it should fit you, it turns out that the clothes are much bigger and you have to spend money again to send it back and order again, because it is difficult to make a mistake the second time
I think it is even better when the cloths come in bigger, at least there will be enough space to make some adjustment. In a situation where it comes in smaller is the worse.
No, I prefer the real stores.

When buying online, trying cloths is not easy. It is comfortable to feel that material before buying.
I think it is even better when the cloths come in bigger, at least there will be enough space to make some adjustment. In a situation where it comes in smaller is the worse.
I had a situation when I received clothes that were bigger and then I decided to take them to the master so that he could make it for my height, but it still didn't fit me, but then I couldn't return it because it's obviously an altered garment and no one needs it
There is an option to return. But try, return, this cycle is too much for me.

The whole process is over within a few minutes at a real shop.
I have bought clothes online. I know my body stats. So I make sure to confirm with the vendor that it should be according to or close to my stats. Most of the times, buying clothes online always turns out perfect for me.
I hardly buy clothes online because most of the wears which I have tried to purchase online end up not being my size and of the same quality of what I expected.
I prefer to try things on in-store when possible, I've had generally positive experiences ordering apparel online. As long as I pay close attention to sizing charts and customer reviews, I can usually find pieces that fit well.
Pain in the butt, we have a clothing line down at work so just order from there now, much cheaper too as I get the employee discount.
Online stores have this bad habit of glamorizing their clothes, probably with a high resolution camera and posting it online for everybody to see this will attract buyers. But by the time those clothes that the others arrived it would be a completely different one. I've been a victim of this many times and now I have learned my lesson.
Buying clothes online isn't for me anymore. I've been sold crap twice and I won't fall for the same cheat a 3rd time. I would go to the mall in person and buy what I want.
I shop online all the time because I hate shopping and I dont have much free time, however, I only buy from stores that I know the sizing and I can return in-person if I must - for example, Macy's, Gap, Banana Republic, Express, etc. Saves me lots of time!
I don't like shopping for clothes online because I believe in physically seeing the clothes before buying them. It has happened with many of my friends that they have to return them because they didn't receive what they had felt or chosen.
Yeah i only buy clothes online and its a mixed kind of experience, so my experience is if i buy from good brands then the quality of clothes is good
Experience has taught me that when you buy clothes online, 70 percent of the time, you end up getting disappointed when they get delivered.