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Have you been drunk once in your life?


Active Contributor

Nov 12, 2023
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My first experience with drinking alcoholic beverages is something I would never never forget in a haste. I was thinking alcoholic drinks is what I can handle but I was so wrong. I kept talking trash and nearly shit on myself. Alcohol have dealt with me so bad.

Have you been drunk once in your life?
I have been drunk multiple times in my life. These days I do not drink but when I was in my college, I used to drink especially in friendly gathering or parties and sometimes I got to the point that I was not on my feet and my friends had to carry me back to my home. Sometimes I even vomitted because of drinking heavily.
I didn't drink alcohol very often and now I don't at all, so I was drunk only twice in my life. The first time was not so difficult because I drank a little and already felt bad and just went to sleep. And the second time was more difficult because I was not at home and I had to stand drunk for 3 hours on the street with friends
Yes, I've been drunk maybe once or twice. I felt funky all through. The feeling is funny when you remember all the trash talk and silly behaviour. I've stopped drinking too much now.
No, I have never been drunk in my life so I don't know what it feels like for someone to be drunk because he or she have taken a lot of alcoholic beverages and can no longer be able to hold or control how the alcohol is affecting him. I have always known how to load hold my liquor which is why I don't get drunk easily.
Yes, I've been drunk maybe once or twice. I felt funky all through. The feeling is funny when you remember all the trash talk and silly behaviour. I've stopped drinking too much now.
I also had such moments when I was so drunk, but I couldn't even remember what I was talking about and what I was doing then, even though my friends had already told me about it. It's a little bit scary when a certain period of time I just forgot, so now I don't use it to that level
I don't drink though, but there was a time during my sister's wedding I mistakenly had some. I honestly thought it was an energy drink. It made me feel sleepy and heavy. Didn't really like the feeling.
I can't recall being drunk to the extent I don't know what I'm doing. I'm someone who knows my drinking capacity, do I ensure that I don't drink beyond it. It takes a measure of maturity and selfcontrol to be able to accomplish that.
Have I ever been drunk *ONCE* in my life? Haaaaaaaa! I got drunk so often that the government out here declared my liver a precious metal! ;) The cops knew me well, I couldn't keep a job, and my friends and family were all afraid of me. Then I decided to slow down and went to night school, and basically sobered up.

My girlfriend keeps me on the straight and narrow and I have a lot of responsibility at work too, so no more getting drunk. I just finally admitted that I had a drinking problem and slowed it all down. (I grew up and became an adult)
I have actually gotten drunk severally. But the first time I actually got drunk was the most memorable. It was in the last days of high school in my final year. We were just casually celebrating our upcoming graduation. I got drunk so much that I was in a state of semi consciousness.
I’ve been drunk more than 50 times, but I’m always in a good environment and not driving, so i can always drink and have fun at the same time. I never don’t ever blackout drunk though.
For me l am a non alcoholic and l have never been drunkard before for the entire life of mine.
I have drunk many times in my life but never felt what you felt. I know some people who talk nonsense sense and their behaviour changes once they start consuming it. It's better for such people to keep themselves away from it.
For me l am a non alcoholic and l have never been drunkard before for the entire life of mine.
That's good then just keep it up. I don't drink as well and I don't want to even give it a try at all.
That's good then just keep it up. I don't drink as well and I don't want to even give it a try at all.

It's better to have someone with you if you want to try it in the future.😅
I told my babe to buy one alcoholic beverage for me if he was coming home. I don't usually take alcohol but I decided to try it that night.

After drinking, I started voicing out gibberish words, even dancing like a drunkard. I was so high that I didn't know when I slept off.
I have been drunk four good times. One of those occasions, I started singing loudly on the road like a rastaman. Alcohol is really powerful.
Hehehe ..people do non sense things when alcohol affect their brain. I have always set a limit and don't let it control my brain when I consume it.
I have no such experience as I haven't ever tried alcohol and no such plans to try even in the future
I wasn't that drunk, but when I was a student, we always went out with friends to have fun. I didn't drink much because if I drank a lot I wouldn't have fun anymore. And 200 grams of alcohol was my maximum