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Have you been anywhere nice on vacation recently?



Mar 28, 2024
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Last summer, my family took an incredible trip to muree. We spent 10 days exploring the breathtaking landscapes hiking on glaciers, watching whales off the coast, relaxing in natural hot springs, and even got to witness the spectacular northern lights. The pristine natural beauty everywhere you looked was just awe-inspiring. It was definitely one of the most amazing vacations I've ever taken. The memories of that trip will stick with me forever.
I would have loved to go on a vacation, but I'm a very busy man. I haven't gone on a real one for some years now, that's because I wanted to be financially stable before including vacations in the plans.
I haven't but I will plan now as I just got pay raise from work
I have been to a few places I considered to be nice, but I have never been on a vacation before. Last year this was part of my to do list but was not able to. Let's see how this year would go first.
Ah, vacation. That sounds like a far-fetched dream, because right now I'm engaged with a lot of things, so vacation is the last thing on my mind right now. But anything can happen though, when the chance present itself, I will not hesitate to go on a vacation and cool off a little.
I haven't had a lot of rest lately because I have so much vacation time at work so I'm saving these days to use them in the summer when the weather will be much better and then it's possible to go to the sea because to some very warm country because I haven't been to such places for 10 years