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Have ever considered started a Milk business?



Mar 24, 2024
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Milk is such a popular thing that anyone dealing in it can make profits provided you have cows and buffaloes and not taking milk from anyone as they will cut their profit. Milk is used in so many things and you can also sell milk products like Cheese, curd, condensed butter, Cream.
It is a good business, provided you have your own buffaloes and cows. You don't need much investment, but you have to work very hard to take care of the cattle. We had two buffaloes in our village when I was a child, and my grandfather used to sell milk from one and make good money from it.
It's a very good business and if you can sell pure milk and make the process transparent then can even sell milk at double the market price
But still recommend it to the people who may be able to work hard because to keep cows and buffaloes is not easy. You have to look after them well if you want them to yield good amount of milk.