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Gaming Memories


Active Contributor

Mar 24, 2024
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Do you have any standout gaming memories from your childhood or gaming experiences that have left a lasting impression on you? Sharing nostalgic gaming memories can be a fun way to connect with others and reminisce about the games that have shaped our lives.
I used to go to lan parties when I was in my 20s. Wee used to get 10 or more people with computers. And we had pizza and beer and had a night of all night gaming. Boy do I miss those days.
I have a very early memory from my childhood, when my brother played some cool game on the computer, but I don't know the name, maybe it was GTA Vice City, but in my opinion, the graphics were very cool, and maybe it was something cooler, but then it made a big impression on me. strong impression
I did really have much access to games when I was young. Though I remember the first time I played super Mario and contra with my sister, it was fun though.
One of my most vivid and cherished gaming memories is from childhood getting my first Game Boy and a copy of Pokémon Red for my 8th birthday. I was instantly hooked, traveling across the Kanto region to catch 'em all. I'd sneak my Game Boy under the covers at night to keep playing by wrist-watch light.
Actually it was Mario that I used to play on sega back then I really enjoy playing it because this was the first game I learn so hard ever
I still remember the first time I made it to my favorite dungeon in the game Legend of Legaia. I was 12 years old and it was right after I came back from a dentist appointment. It's Rogue's Tower for those familiar with the game. I love the music and every time I replay the game or listen to the soundtrack I think back to that day lol.