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Experienced travelers?


Off The Mark

Sep 24, 2023
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Experienced travelers of Discussion Hub, what is the best piece of travel advice you have?

Season 9 Wow GIF by Curb Your Enthusiasm
Learn a few words in the local lingo. It goes a long way and the locals appreciate it. Me se hable la Hispanol uno po quito.
I agree. Don't rely on your translation service. Look up some common words, be ready before you reach the destination.
The best travel advice I can offer is to remain open-minded, flexible, and ready to embrace the unexpected. Over-planning every detail robs you of the spontaneous moments that often become the most memorable. When hiccups arise, roll with them that's part of the adventure. Most importantly, immerse yourself in the local culture by trying new foods, attempting the language, and connecting with residents.
Though I won't actually call myself and experienced traveler but one advice I would give is to always ensure you have extra cash when traveling. Don't just move around with what you need, but always have extra, just in case things doesn't go as planned or something happened on the way, you won't be stranded.
When I advise that I have for you is that be ready for surprises. The culture and way of life of the place that you're coming from is obviously different compared to the place you are going. So be ready to receive some culture shocks.
I haven't traveled much by myself and most often with someone more experienced, so the very simple advice I can expect is that you need to travel with people who have experience and then it will be easier for you