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Ever had the impression that you were caught in a time loop?


Chipi Chipi Chapa Chapa

Feb 9, 2024
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I believe that a lot of individuals in the present world feel this way since there are so many fresh occurrences and ongoing concerns that life has become routine. I've had this feeling for a while, and it seems like a very significant event must occur for me to break free from this cycle.
I have never really had this feeling. Though most of the things I do are routine based, but i have never felt like I was in a time loop cause there is always something different that happens, or something unexpected.
Yes, that's feeling of deja vu, as if something is happening which you felt has already happened before. I believe that research has say it is normal to feel this way. But whenever such a thing happens to me I know that I'm not caught in a time loop, maybe there are similar circumstances surrounding the event that make it look as if it has happened before.
No reincarnation thing or deja vu for me please. Once is more than enough!
The eerie feeling of being stuck in a time loop isn't something I've directly experienced, but there have certainly been periods where the days blended together in a mundane repetition. During stretches of intense work , the routine of wake up, grind, sleep, repeat started to feel cyclical and neverending. Little seemed to break the pattern until I made a conscious effort to mix things up taking a weekend trip, picking up a new hobby, or just changing my daily routines.
Yes, right now - with Biden and Trump as their parties presumptive nominees, it feels like 2016 all over again 😒
No reincarnation thing or deja vu for me please. Once is more than enough!
Hahaha I completely agree with you there, especially in a situation where it's not something really pleasant.
Hahaha I completely agree with you there, especially in a situation where it's not something really pleasant.
Of course, nobody will want to experience something that is not pleasant twice. So that feeling of deja vu, I would not even want to experience it. Whether good or bad.