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Ever experienced sleep paralysis?


Chipi Chipi Chapa Chapa

Feb 9, 2024
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Luckily, I did not experience anything like that, but I spoke with others who did, and it was terrifying since they claimed to be conscious even though they were unable to feel their bodies or act. Have you encountered this situation before?
No I have never experienced this kind of situation before.
Wow, I have never heard of that kind of condition before. If such a thing should to me happen I will panic, I'll be thinking that I have a medical problem or something. But what is that not what people who are paralyzed feel? They are conscious but they cant move their body.
My girlfriend will sometimes wake up with leg cramps but that's about it.
Sleep paralysis is a terrifying phenomenon I've unfortunately experienced on a few occasions. You become conscious but feel completely paralyzed, often accompanied by a sense of dread or presence in the room. The first time it happened, I thought I was having a waking nightmare. Once I realized what sleep paralysis was, I learned tricks like staying calm and wiggling my toes to break the paralysis faster. Still, it's a disconcerting sleep disorder I hope to avoid repeating.
I have experienced sleep paralysis in my dreams, where I find myself in a dangerous situation and even though I want to scream, run away, do something, Im unable to react and im just stuck, vulnerable unable to save myself. Thank God , this has only happened in my dreams cause it would totally terrify me if it happened in real life. 😱
I don't think it's still a good sign having this in your dreams, especially if the dream is also constant.
In my country, they ascribe spiritual attack to it. I have never experienced such. But people that experience it always enter prayer sessions to avert any evil associated with it.
I thank God, I haven't experienced it, it will be scary. It's something weird. It is better not to sleep with a full stomach, that might be one factor.
I am fortunate that I never suffered from sleep paralysis. Also, I have never met any person experiencing the same.