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Dog barks but wolf hunts



Mar 18, 2024
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Understandably, those shallow-minded keep on barking like a dog. They are like shallow rivers noisy but those who are silent types like a silent river hunt . Sometimes we are barking up a wrong tree which is why people laugh at us like a bully. It is best to be silent for in silence there is something our mind can explore. It is not hard to do this, especially those introverts, but extroverts like to express what's on their hearts and minds, unlike introverts. They are like a wolf.
In the midst of silence, one easily gets insights in my what to do. For religious people, they only hear God when there is a complete aura of silence. In the midst of the silence, deeper creativity is born.
Like they say an empty vessel makes the loudest noise. Most times it's best to just keep quite and just study what is happening.
Understandably, those shallow-minded keep on barking like a dog. They are like shallow rivers noisy but those who are silent types like a silent river hunt . Sometimes we are barking up a wrong tree which is why people laugh at us like a bully. It is best to be silent for in silence there is something our mind can explore. It is not hard to do this, especially those introverts, but extroverts like to express what's on their hearts and minds, unlike introverts. They are like a wolf.
So you mean that introverts are like wolves, but extroverts are like dogs? That's a relatable comparison, because truly, it is those silent ones that have more doings.