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Does the sound of birdsong annoy you?



Mar 5, 2024
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I would like to know if there are other people as strange as me, because when spring comes and a lot of birds sing, it really annoys me for some reason. I don't know why because they have nice sounds, maybe because there are a lot of them and they always interrupt each other and it creates noise
It does not really annoy me, but when it's too much and loud, that's when it would annoy me. Something similar happened last Wednesday. It was like all the birds in my area decided to hold choir practice in my compound that day.
No, not at all, as a matter of fact it is very sweet to hear. In the morning there's a bird that usually sings a sweet song and it was part of those things that wakes me up every morning. So I love to hear birds sing very much.
I haven't heard birds chirping for a long time now as we don't have any trees nearby so they don't irritate me but if they keep doing it for long time then I may feel irritated
No, I'm not bothered by the birds' chirping. I used to live in an area without trees a few years ago, and I never heard the birds chirping. However, now that there is a "Jamun" tree nearby, I can hear the birds well and it looks nice.
My girlfriend got me to hang a birdfeeder just outside one of our windows. We have our morning coffee watching the birds at the bird feeder. They are all happily chirping. It is a super good way to start our days.
No, I'm not bothered by the birds' chirping. I used to live in an area without trees a few years ago, and I never heard the birds chirping. However, now that there is a "Jamun" tree nearby, I can hear the birds well and it looks nice.
I have a tree nearby my window too, and every morning I wake up to the sound of some particular birds singing. There is this kind of feeling that those sounds give me. Probably what gives me the strength and motivation to start my day.
For some reasons, I love the melodies produced by the birds when they are singing away. I am even planning to record that sound and sample it in musical beat sometime. It doesn't in any way annoy me to hear birds chirp.
For some reasons, I love the melodies produced by the birds when they are singing away. I am even planning to record that sound and sample it in musical beat sometime. It doesn't in any way annoy me to hear birds chirp.
That will be nice! When you actually do record the sound of those birds, please do well to share the sound with us here!
No I love birds songs even if it's loud because it make's me calm down a little bit and watching them the way they were living was absolutely amazing at times I enjoy watching the way they fly because some of them will loose their feathers up or down