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Does it annoy you when work cables get tangled up?


Chipi Chipi Chapa Chapa

Feb 9, 2024
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Everyone has a work computer or a phone and sometimes many devices can be connected at the same time in one place and then it happens that all these cables get tangled with each other. Does it annoy you and how much?
It annoys me to no end! I wrap up all long wires to shorten them using rubber bands or velcro ties. This way is a lot easier to to clean around it and it looks neater and more organized.
I get annoyed when work cables get tangled, sometimes I am so angry that I even spell f word, but I guess this is a common think, I have seen a lot of people getting angry over tangled cables, some people are so extreme that they go on breaking their cables in a desperation of untangling cables.
Yes I find this very annoying, especially in a situation where I am in a hurry to complete a job. Having to deal with a tangled cable feels like I am wasting time.
Sure and yes. I get that at work too. Drives me crazy when it happens.

I do not make a scene, but get irritated too much because of them.Often spoils the mood.
Tangled cables are one of my biggest pet peeves. There's nothing more frustrating than going to grab a cord for charging or connecting devices, only to end up battling a rat's nest of wires that have inexplicably twisted themselves into knots. No matter how neatly I try to keep cables organized and bound, they always seem to morph into a jumbled mess.
Of course it can get annoying when those cables tangle up, especially when one is in the middle of doing something very important. Sometimes in annoyance I end up mixing everything up more when I try to fix it!
It really annoyed me. This happened a lot because my computer is next to my boyfriend's computer and it annoyed him too. We tried different gadgets, but it didn't help much, so we decided to move the table with my computer to the kitchen