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Does it annoy you when someone close to you steals things without permission?


Chipi Chipi Chapa Chapa

Feb 9, 2024
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Many people live with relatives or simply with acquaintances, and there are people who can take your things without your permission. Does it annoy you a lot and if so how do you try to explain to them not to do it and do they actually do it afterwards?
yes, and then breaks said object as well

absolutely no need for it
It annoys me when someone messes up with my things. I do not like people touching my things, let along taking it away, without asking for permission. Even when it is my kid or spouse, I do not like them messing up with my things. I exercise this policy strictly in my house. That's why people do not enter my workspace.
Well technically if they steal things, it is without your permission. Of course nobody would like that to happen to them. However close you are to me, if you need something let me know, if I have the capacity to give you I will do so.
I ended a friendship due to theft. It was a woman who stole from me. If it was a guy he would have paid a price for that.:cool:
Not just when it is someone close to me, even when we are not that close, it annoys me when someone takes or uses my things without taking proper permission from me.
I get angry when people take my things without permission because anyone that has stayed with me knows that if they just ask, I would always oblige them. Taking it without permission might end up frustrating me because you don't know the plans I have for that thing per time.
Having trust violated by someone you care about cuts deeply. When a close friend or family member takes personal belongings without asking, it feels like a profound betrayal of boundaries and respect. More than just the material loss, it's the selfish disregard for your feelings that stings the most.
I get angry when people take my things without permission because anyone that has stayed with me knows that if they just ask, I would always oblige them. Taking it without permission might end up frustrating me because you don't know the plans I have for that thing per time.
Yes it's very annoying, I also feel it's kind of like a sign of disrespect. Cause taking something without letting the owner know means you do not care and value their space and opinion.
I have small children, so they often take my things without permission. I don't really like it because then I have to look for it in the whole house and sometimes it can be very important things. That's why I try to hide such things away from children
It makes me feel very terrible because I am generally a very open person that someone should be able to relate with. I intentionally took that posture. Why would you need to steal from me when you can actually ask and be given what you want?
Yes its annoyed me because for you to keep something may be it's very important to you and someone will I took it without your permission it make's me feel totally annoyed it can even lead me under rate your value to me
It depends on the person who takes my thing without my permission. If he or she is too close to me I won't mind it but if he or she is not then I will feel bad for it.
In my case, it does not only annoy me but anger me. I do not like people who do not respect me getting things without asking permission especially using my phone or laptop. Even if it is a family member doing it. They have to ask permission first.
Yes I will be annoyed and I want them to ask me first and then place the thing where it was and not leave it anywhere they want like most do
Yes I will be annoyed and I want them to ask me first and then place the thing where it was and not leave it anywhere they want like most do
Me, too, I do not like anyone even a family member to just get my stuff without asking permission. Somebody borrowed my Levis pants without my knowledge. She wore it during her travel to Manila. I was mad and when she returned my pants, I threw it in the garbage.
Me, too, I do not like anyone even a family member to just get my stuff without asking permission. Somebody borrowed my Levis pants without my knowledge. She wore it during her travel to Manila. I was mad and when she returned my pants, I threw it in the garbage.
lol that's too bad, I don't allow anyone to wear my clothes or shoes or even jackets and I feel these are personal things and should not be wore by anyone
lol that's too bad, I don't allow anyone to wear my clothes or shoes or even jackets and I feel these are personal things and should not be wore by anyone
That's right and my Levis was expensive but I felt bad for not being respected. She was my cousin but never asked my approval even a call or a text, none. She knew I was mad my sister told her. My dresser wasn't locked that time so easy for her to choose. We're not in good terms until this time. She didn't even say sorry.
That's right and my Levis was expensive but I felt bad for not being respected. She was my cousin but never asked my approval even a call or a text, none. She knew I was mad my sister told her. My dresser wasn't locked that time so easy for her to choose. We're not in good terms until this time. She didn't even say sorry.
This is silly and I don't allow anyone to use my clothes and if they do then I also do what you have done with your levis pants
This is silly and I don't allow anyone to use my clothes and if they do then I also do what you have done with your levis pants
Actually, my sister was at fault for she was the one who gave consent but I did not confront her. I do not like to hurt my sister. She's so good to me and the one who prepares food for me for work. She also got the pants that I've thrown and washed them with hot water and kept it her drawer. 🙂↕️