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Do you watch WhatsApp status?



Apr 30, 2024
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I am fond of watching WhatsApp status updates to learn about my friends. Most of them upload their photos or videos there. I also do that occasionally. Do you upload status and eagerly watch the status of others on this app? I rarely open Facebook or Instagram, but I like watching things on WhatsApp.
I don't always watch Whatsapp status because I am trying to reduce how much data I spend online. Though there are times I watch a few.
I always like to watch the statuses of my friends, and it gives me some sort of pleasure and tells me what they are thinking. I don't know if I am right or wrong, but I feel happy doing it.
Yes through the status of a person, you can easily tell what's going through their minds and what they are thinking about.
I don't check Facebook or Instagram, so maybe I check WhatsApp statuses more. It's all about your preferences.