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Do you watch any ghost hunting?


Active Contributor

Nov 14, 2023
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I'm someone who loves watching ghosthunting.
I watch a lot of Sam and Colby as they go to places like the Conjuring House and places with a lot of History.

Do you watch any ghost hunting?
They are very boring to me. I've tried watching them a few times but it didn't click with me, so I stopped wasting my time trying to watch them.
It is only the TV show called Supernatural I have watched which was about the Winchester family. They are in the family usiness of ghost, demon and monster hunting. The TV show had more than 10 seasons which was too long. I couldn't complete the entire seasons even till now.
No because I don't have a television and don't believe in ghosts.
No because I don't have a television and don't believe in ghosts.
I have a television but I don't watch it very often. It's only when I want to listen to the news I would watch my television. Al Jazeera is the main news channel which I turn on whenever I want to be updated about the events happening all over the world in an objective news.
Ghost hunting? No. I dont believe in ghosts, however I love ghost related stories. If you haven't watched yet "School Spitits" it's a great show, it's about a high school girl that is stuck in the afterlife, solving her disappearance, here she meets other people that have died over the years at the High smSchool that are also stuck there... pretty cool show! It was recently renewed for a second season.

Another show that I watch is "Ghosts", I've watched both the UK version and the American version, maybe I'm biased, but I prefer the American version, I feel that the writing is a little better.
Not any real ghost hunting but I do watch Ghost Busters. Seen all of the movies and episodes to date. Pretty fun to watch.
I would not mind watching real ghost hunting. It would frightening to watch in real life but I would be thrilled to have the experience. I have watched Ghost Busters too, it's entertaining and fun to watch. I'm waiting for another big ghost hunting horror movie of this year that will come out.
I have watched a lot of movies based on ghost hunting, I have also watched a few documentaries where people go on ghost hunting. Sometimes I feel that these people are just trying to fool others, I really doubt that what ever the are showing, especially in documentaries, are actually true. I feel that most ghost hunting is fake.
As for the movies or TV shows based on ghost hunting, I know it's all acting and none of what they are acting is real. As a result of that, I would not consider them trying to fool me. But those who are doing ghost hunting documentary all look fake to me. I've never truly belived what they do.
No i don't usually watch these kind of shows, not that I don't believe in ghost or anything, but I just don't see my self sitting for long to watch them.
I have to admit, I'm fascinated by ghost hunting shows and the paranormal. While I try to maintain a healthy skepticism, there's an undeniable thrill watching investigators attempt to make contact with the unknown. From spooky EVPs and inexplicable cold spots to objects moving on their own, the suspense of wondering "is it real?" keeps me hooked. At the very least, the haunted locations showcased boast rich historical backstories.