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Do you want to be famous?



Mar 4, 2024
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To be famous means being known by everyone, you might have little to no privacy for your personal life, though it comes with benefits but it also has it's down side. Would you want to be famous? For me I don't really care about being famous, I just want to have everything I need.
No, I don't want to be famous in life. I want to live life as a common person. Like celebrities do, I don't want to go out to public places by hiding my face or with the bodyguards. I know life is not easy when you are famous around the world.
Probably no I only wanted to live my life as common person @Sanjeev was right life is not easy when you famous around the world but many hasn't realized.
I prefer to live a simple life rather than being famous around the world
Yes, I became famous at the university where I studied and in the city being a rock band member all girls. We played in clubs and hotels every evening from 6 to 9. We also played for free at the university gym and almost students were there. I was also a student leader and an activist. My life is full of colors.
I would not like to be famous because it is just attention to me. I would not like to receive so much attention even from strangers. This means that many people will be interested in my life and being known, it is very difficult to hide many details.
Actually we think that when get fame, we live a good life but that's not true. It's not easy for celebrites to live a normal life. They have to take extra care to move out from their homes.
I don't have any such requirements and prefer to stay grounded and I love my privacy
You do. You cannot even shop with your family. Media persons will keep following you and people too. This is why most movie stars like to enjoy shopping in other countries because they know they cannot in India
I was joking..yes one lose freedom actually when he or she gets famous. You cannot go outside alone.
I was joking..yes one lose freedom actually when he or she gets famous. You cannot go outside alone.
Just think Virat and Anushka. Media went mad to get pics of his daughter and they ended up shifting to England.
I'm not famous and I can't go outside alone!

To answer the question, only on my terms. Fame on the scale that someone like Madonna has is not for me but I would be cool with a modest fame.

I have little sympathy for celebrities who whinge about the pressures of fame though. After all, they chose that life and they are quick enough to take the perks and quicker still to take the money.