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do you want to be buried or cremated?



Oct 12, 2023
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I want to be buried myself because of my beliefs in the qafterlife
In fact, it doesn't matter to me because after death the soul remains alive, not the body, so it doesn't matter what happens to your body. It can even simply be left to rot in the house. However, I still preferred burial
I belong to a culture where dead bodies are cremated. Therefore, I would prefer to be cremated, instead of being buried. (I like to follow my culture and tradition even when there are no appropriate logic on certain things we do. By the way, being cremated is environmentally friendly as you do not hog a space on the ground.
We don't do cremation in my culture. So whenever a person dies the only option is to bury them in the ground, and that is how I want to be handled too.
I want to be cremated because I want people to remember the person that I was and I don't want them to remember me by crying over my grave.
In my tradition, burial Is what we normally do. When I finally grow old, to a ripe age am guessing it would be a normal burial.
I want to be cremated because it's cheaper than being buried.
In our culture dead bodies are burnt so I never like to get buried. As @Soulwatcher said I don't want people to cry over my grave.
In our culture bodies are cremated so I feel this is the preferred way other than that I feel burial is also fine
In our culture dead bodies are burnt so I never like to get buried. As @Soulwatcher said I don't want people to cry over my grave.
People who will cry for you will still cry whether it is ashes or grave. What matters is to get a very befitting send off after one death.
Hmm..but still when people see your grave they will get emotional and cry but that will not be the case when you are cremated.
I would like to be buried because if I am cremated, none of my friends and relatives will be able to even be near my grave. Maybe it's selfish, but most people do exactly that, and I wish they could come to my grave
The question have been answering base on different beliefs because knowledge is all over the world and we have different types of belief so I also choose to be buried