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Do you visit fortune tellers?



Mar 23, 2024
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I don't believe in this and not sure how someone can believe in them because most of the times they make tall claims and are himself or herself dependent on our donations LOL

Do you visit fortune tellers?
No I do not visit them, even my upbringing and religion does not allow me visit places like this.
I see many prefer to get their opinions and pay them handsome money for that but I don't believe in them
I have come across some persons who actually believe in fortune tellers. According to them all what they say usually come to pass.
In the reality of the matter, l have a strong belief in the bible and l can never visit those kind of people.
In the reality of the matter, l have a strong belief in the bible and l can never visit those kind of people.
Exactly my point. My religion won't allow me do something like this. Besides why reply or a fortune teller when I have the holy Spirit?
It's good to not to believe in this as most of these are scams and are just behind donations they can get from us
It is foolery for someone to think that he or she would get anything tangible from fortune tellers. Those people are conmen that thrive on people's ignorance and desperation.
I have the same opinion and this is why I always make users aware of this thing and actually they are just trying to make others fool and make money
Though I do not believe in them, but there are actually some who are actually have the ability to see to some extent. Or in most cases they read the stars and predict.
I don't fully believe in them, but some things come out to be true. One of the astrologers was blind, and by touching the palm of my elder brother, he told me the future of my brother. He told me he would have a good life after the age of 36. He told us about his future when he was 16 years old, and after 35 years, we realize that he made the right predictions about my brother.
Off course i visit the fortune tellers when I am alone
I don't think it's a good idea to visit them as they are mostly fraud and we can't expect them to charge fairly for their service
For what exactly? Most of those fortune tellers don't even know their own future!