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News Do you think Trump will be going to jail?

Mad Hatter


Mar 6, 2024
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Let's face it Trump seems to have the ability to somehow get himself out of hot water. It's amazing how he is able to do that. But...this time it might be different. A jury of 12 people will soon decide if Trump will get up to 4 years in jail.

The big mess all started back around 2016 when he paid porn star Stormy Daniels $130,000 in hush money to keep quiet about their affair while he was still married. Paying her off isn't the issue, it's that he made false deductions/declarations from his business account in order to pay her off. He put the $130,000 payment as something else and that is a big no no as far as the income tax people are concerned. I'm not very learned as to the law, but the feds and NY state gov. are taking this very seriously indeed.

Do you think he'll beat this as he usually does or will Trump be wearing an orange jailhouse jumpsuit to match his spray tanned orange face? :cool:
I feel as though Trump believes he is above the law and I hope that they do send him to jail for this to prove that no matter who you are and no matter how much money you have, you are not above the law and never will be.

Of course, he is yapping about it being a waste of time and a witch hunt. If the evidence is there that he did it, then he should be tried as would anyone else.
Who knows what would happen though, but if he really does go to jail, maybe this experience might help calm him down a little when it comes to how he reacts to things and handle issues.
Politics is a blood sport and Trump has made a lot of enemies. Now the attorney general of New York is saying that the $175,000,000 bond that Trump put up a couple of weeks ago is not good enough. He may be going to jail for that one as well.
I do not see Trump going to jail, it is not just about Trump it is also about the American people. You need to understand why other presidential candidates within the Republican parties could not go ahead of Trump in the primaries. There is a section of American population who loves Trump.
He probably won't do any jail time but I wouldn't be a bit surprised if he were to get one month of house arrest in his Mar-A-Lago estate.