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Do you think cigarettes should be banned?


Chipi Chipi Chapa Chapa

Feb 9, 2024
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In my opinion, something cannot be completely banned, but I do not like how it is restricted. The fine for smoking in a public place is so small that I find it funny. And the prices of cigarettes are not so high that the number of smokers is decreasing
Yes! but it will never happen. There needs to be more awareness, more education on how harmful cigarettes are. Children should be taught at a young age that smoking causes about 20% of all cancers and about 30% of all cancer deaths in the United States. Also, about 80% of lung cancers is caused from smoking cigarettes. Very scary statistics.
it will help a lot of addcits for sure. And those who get to smoke them for free in public places.

Cigars are a big dent on personal budget as well.
I won't ban cigarettes for any reason. When you do that, you take away the people's power to make choices. I would allow cigarettes to sell within the limits of the law and allow people who choose to kill themselves to go ahead and do that.
There are a lot of things that are banned in every society. Does it take away our freedom of choice? I hate cigars because they affect people who do not like it. Public smoking is a social threat.
I don't smoke, so I don't mind if they ban it. Though bi doubt this would happen anytime soon.
To relieve the stress off of our over burdened health care systems we ought to ban cigarettes.
I really think that they should ban cigarettes because it is widely known that it caused more harm than good. It is usually boldly written on the cigarette packs that smokers are liable to die young, so why do people jeopardize their health?
While I understand the severe health risks associated with smoking, an outright ban on cigarettes gives me pause. Such a prohibitive measure could potentially create a dangerous black market. Instead, I believe a multi-pronged approach of heavy taxation, strict regulation of advertising and sales, and funding for public education campaigns and cessation programs would be more effective.
I see no reason why it should be banned. It has been written there clearly that it is harmful to smoker’s health. So anyone engaging in it knows what they are signing up for.
I see no reason why it should be banned. It has been written there clearly that it is harmful to smoker’s health. So anyone engaging in it knows what they are signing up for.
I feel it should be banned regardless of whether they know what they are signing for or not. The same way some countries ban gambling because it can wreck their citizens financially.
As a mother, I would like smoking to be allowed only in special places. Very often, when we walk on the street, a person with a cigarette passes by us, and the children inhale this smoke. It always makes him cough, but I can't say anything to this passer-by because it's not forbidden to smoke
Yes probably because i don't know why most of peoples tends to be smoking cigarette imagine what is the benefit on smoking it
They are injurious to health, so they should be banned, but they never will be because the government gets lots of revenues from them, so they can never think of banning them. In my opinion, one should restrict himself from smoking.