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Do you take tea/coffee daily? If you do and you did not take tea on a day do you feel any change?



Mar 23, 2024
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I do like to take tea daily and if for some reason I do not take tea on a particular day then for the major part of the day I will experience headaches and this is happening with me today. I am feeling lazy too LOL and could be because I am also addicted to having tea daily.

Do you take tea/coffee daily? If you do and you did not take tea on a day do you feel any change?
When it comes to coffee or tea, I do not take it on a daily basis. I rarely even drink it. There are times it takes months before I drink tea or coffee. There was a time it took a whole year.
It has been long I take a good tea because mine finished some months ago. I can take coffee early in the morning because I want to be agile while working but I haven't taken tea for some times now. I will add it to my list on what to buy whenever I go to market.