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Do you still read a newspaper?



Mar 23, 2024
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This is still popular at least in my part of the world although not all age groups are interested in these but still they are popular in middle-aged and old people as they prefer to check the complete news story from a newspaper.
Do you still read a newspaper?
Though there are still people who read the newspapers, but it's not that common. These days people now have access to the news from the Internet and on social media.
Even I don't read it but I see many parents do like to read newspaper and they prefer to read daily newspaper
I subscribed a news paper for 10 years now except during the pandemic but this time it is back. I always get updates of the situation of our world's economy and wars.
I think its not a bad option and its like free because you can recover its price when you sell it to the person collecting scrap from homes
I am selling the old newspapers in bulk. I bring them to the buy and sell area near home and sometimes let them collect at home. There is give and take business
Do you mean you also buy the old newspaper and then sell it in bulk? That's good
Yes most parents or old adults prefer to read news papers, I guess it's something they are used to and feels familiar with, compared to the modern ways we have now.
I guess its not bad too because you get all information in one go as many times we are unable to get all the details on a news channel
Do you mean you also buy the old newspaper and then sell it in bulk? That's good
I subscribed to a newspaper daily and they will be sold once accumulated in a month. I call the business center to pick up the old newspapers at home.
It's also a good option, we don't have this option and we generally sell these to junk dealers
It's also a good option, we don't have this option and we generally sell these to junk dealers
Same here, we do not have this option as well. So most people just take them and use them wrapping street food to sell.
My father and elder brother still read newspaper. They don't like to read news on mobile or computer. I have not subscribed for the newspaper. Around 10 years ago everyone in our family used to read newspaper but not now.
I read it rarely and actually have no interest in reading a newspaper and don't even have the time for that
My father and elder brother still read newspaper. They don't like to read news on mobile or computer. I have not subscribed for the newspaper. Around 10 years ago everyone in our family used to read newspaper but not now.
Now it's even hard to find a place you can buy one to read.
I think that's because there may not be many that are interested in reading a newspaper and we can expect this situation here too in a few years
Exactly, we used to have stalls of newspapers to buy but these days we don't find them.
Very rare. Even the one closest to my area these days I hardly see them open. I guess they are not making enough sales like before any longer.
Very rare. Even the one closest to my area these days I hardly see them open. I guess they are not making enough sales like before any longer.

Maybe the sale of the newspaper has gone down and these sellers may not be able to make money through it.