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Do you prefer to get your Groceries delivered Online or like to buy the traditional way?



Mar 23, 2024
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I prefer to buy Groceries online mostly as with that we can find best deals and most of the times they are running a bank offer so we can get cashback too and that's why I don't prefer to buy offline and only buy offline if I don't find a particular product online or its out of stock or quite expensive.

Do you prefer to get your Groceries delivered Online or like to buy the traditional way?
In my city, a lot of companies offer to deliver products to my house and it seems profitable, but the cost of delivery changes everything because in the end I will spend the same amount on products with discounts than I would have spent on products without discounts but buying them myself in the store.
It depends, if I can find what I need offline then there is no need buying anything online. I only buy things online when what I need cannot be found offline or in the local stores around.
I'm an outgoing person, so if I don't have anything important doing at home, I prefer going to the store to buy my groceries.
Seeing the things I want to buy physically is a better choice for me, especially when it has to do with something I want to eat. My online shopping are mostly on things not eatable,