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Do you prefer solo or group hobbies?



Mar 28, 2024
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I tend to prefer solo hobbies that allow me to immerse myself fully in the activity at my own pace. Things like reading, writing, and painting are very meditative experiences for me when I can tune out distractions. That said, I do crave social connections, so I enjoy blending in some group hobbies too. Playing recreational sports like tennis or bowling gets me out interacting with others in a fun, competitive environment. The ideal balance is finding fulfillment through both introspective solo pursuits and the camaraderie of shared group interests.

Do you prefer solo or group hobbies?
You've asked this question before, anyways I prefer engaging in hobbies in a group because it tends to get more interesting that way. One can converse and make fun of each other, it will definitely be more fun compared to going solo.
I am usually the type that likes keeping to myself, so I usually prefer doing things solo. Going into groups might be too stressful for me mentally most times.
I like hobbies where we get engaged in a group as that way we come to know people having same preferences. I guess people tend to make friends through hobbies.
That's one advantage with group hobbies though. You tend to meet people who have the same mindset as you do.
It depends, for my hobby bowling, my friends are with me so also volleyball and lawn tennis. The one I could do solo is swimming.
In my opinion, any hobby can be made into a group. But I wouldn't want to sit with other people and do that because it would seem strange to me. I prefer to spend time alone because hobbies are time for myself and my preferences
I have always been more of a loner but my favourite hobby is not something that you would easily do as loner. You can't play football alone. It is a team game. That's why my hobby is a group thing.
It also makes sense doing a hobby by group. I realized it. It is enjoyable and lots of fun too. Apart from my swimming hobby, I also have bowling hobby and it is not done solo. It is by group. I feel inspired by the group's noises to win. I was once a bowling champion. That as before the pandemic.
Actually you are right but anyway I prefer group hobbies because no matter what you can converse and make fun of each other rather than solo hobbies