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Do you or your partner snore?


Chipi Chipi Chapa Chapa

Feb 9, 2024
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I have a partner, but when I lived with my parents at home, they told me that I don't snore and I'm really happy because I don't know how ashamed I would be if I snore and my partner told me about it
I've been told that I snore, and I feel bad that my snoring can annoy my partner but I'm not at all ashamed. It's life, many people snore!
I've been told that I snore too, but it's only when I sleep on my back.
I don't think I snore much at all, but my girlfriend sure does :)
I know that I snore but it is not that deep and my girlfriend snores too, but also not too deep. I don't really think I can stand someone that snores like a moving train. It is a huge turn off for me.
I don't have a partner at the moment though so I can't answer that part. Then personally I don't snore, the only time I have done this is when I am extremely tired or when I have a blocked noise.
No, my partner doesn't snore, but I snore, which causes problems for others. She says she cannot sleep, as I snore a lot and very loudly. I don't know how to control it. If anyone knows, please tell me. Is there any treatment or remedy for it?
No, my partner doesn't snore, but I snore, which causes problems for others. She says she cannot sleep, as I snore a lot and very loudly. I don't know how to control it. If anyone knows, please tell me. Is there any treatment or remedy for it?
People are more likely to snore when sleeping on their back, so try to sleep on your side. If the snoring is really bad causing your girlfriend to wake up, perhaps it will be a good idea to tell your doctor and do a sleep study to determine if you have sleep apnea. I will actually be doing a sleep study at the end of the month.
People are more likely to snore when sleeping on their back, so try to sleep on your side. If the snoring is really bad causing your girlfriend to wake up, perhaps it will be a good idea to tell your doctor and do a sleep study to determine if you have sleep apnea. I will actually be doing a sleep study at the end of the month.
Yes I have heard about this, that the way we sleep in most cases, the position of our body does affect us and might make us snore.
People are more likely to snore when sleeping on their back, so try to sleep on your side. If the snoring is really bad causing your girlfriend to wake up, perhaps it will be a good idea to tell your doctor and do a sleep study to determine if you have sleep apnea. I will actually be doing a sleep study at the end of the month.
I didn't know that sleep patterns are studied to cure snoring. But I have heard it's because of obesity and blood pressure issues. Maybe there is an obstruction in the nose. There may be many reasons for snoring. I need to see a doctor for sure.
As per my parents I also snore and seems like everyone does but they don't know if they do lol
No one who snores accepts that he or she snores. I also didn't accept it until my daughter made a video of me snoring loudly at night. My throat gets dried up at night due to snoring, and I feel I need to consult a doctor for it.
I can safely say this because I always said that I don't snore but my parents always let me know that I snore at night and even talk in sleep LOL
I never talk in sleep, but my son does, and when we tell him in the morning that he was murmuring at night, he says he was not. We get scared when he does that at night because he speaks normally, like he is talking to someone.
I don't know what I murmur in sleep and I guess its natural and not under my control
The few times I witnessed my partner sleep, she didn't snore, so I guess that's a good thing. As for me, I'm not even sure. Sometimes my brother says that I snore lightly, maybe because of stress of the day.
Is stress the reason of snoring? These days everyone has a stress but everyone doesn't snore.
My husband and I had this problem, but we solved it. We used to try different pillows and different sleeping positions, but now we bought a special device for the nose that helps stop snoring
My husband and I had this problem, but we solved it. We used to try different pillows and different sleeping positions, but now we bought a special device for the nose that helps stop snoring

What is this device? Can you send the name and the picture of this device? I will buy it for me because I have a problem of snoring from years and my wife gets irritated with this habit of mine and the things is I cannot control it.😥