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Do you like to watch first day show of movie in a theater?



Apr 30, 2024
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I have seen many people who are so fond of watching movies that they don't miss any. They always buy a ticket for the first show. Are you a person who always wanted to watch the first day of a movie? I used to live alone when I was in another city doing a job.
Whether you watch the first day premiere of a movie or you get to see it few months later, it doesn't make any real difference to me. The important thing is that you have seen the movie. I might even prefer to see the movie later on because it might be cheaper.
I have seen many people who are so fond of watching movies that they don't miss any. They always buy a ticket for the first show. Are you a person who always wanted to watch the first day of a movie? I used to live alone when I was in another city doing a job.
Yes probably I am part of the people who don't wants to miss first show of the movie because I remain focused to my imagination to the movie in other to predict it
I am not interested in this and have always preferred to watch movies at home with family and its best for me
No matter how eager I am to watch a particular movie, I always wait till it's out for download before I watch it. I have never been to the movies before.
I don't like to get into crowds and if I like to watch a movie in a cinema then I try to wait for few days
I find it a lot more comfortable to watch at home. I don't have to worry about putting on something nice or who I would meet there. I just enjoy the movie with good food.