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Do you like to party every weekend?



Mar 23, 2024
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There are many people that like to enjoy the weekend and for that they eat out, go to bar, dance and have fun and some even like to earn for 4-5d days and spend all what they have during the weekend.

Do you like to party every weekend?
I am not the party type of person. On weekends and every other day, I prefer staying indoors and just do things like watch a movie or just sleep all day if i do not have any work to attend to.
I think we are quite similar in that aspect, I also don't like to party unless its a special occasion and mostly prefer to stay home
No, of course. How can someone save money if do partying every weekend? Although , I am an extrovert by have limit of myself n regard to attending parties.
I cannot afford to that too lol but even if I can I may not as at present I don't have such things in mind
The other day, I attended a birthday party shortly. It was the birthday of my friend who had just arrived from Dubai. I went there to pick my gift too.
Wow that's good but it was their birthday and you got yourself a gift LOL
Wow that's good but it was their birthday and you got yourself a gift LOL
Yes, my friend arrived from Dubai, she works there as a Physical Therapist. I posted the t-shirts on the fakebook story page, lol.
That's good, maybe I missed that but congrats on your gift and I hope you are having a great weekend
Party every weekend? That was when I was younger. I am an older more experienced chap now. I party occasionally. I don't even have time to complete all my gigs, not to talk of partying every weekend.
No, of course. How can someone save money if do partying every weekend? Although , I am an extrovert by have limit of myself n regard to attending parties.
Even when I do not want to save money, I still won't go out on weekends. I find it too stressful and it honestly does not even make sense to me.
Even when I do not want to save money, I still won't go out on weekends. I find it too stressful and it honestly does not even make sense to me.
It is true, it is stressful. We felt exhausted once we reached home. There is nothing to do after but sleep the whole day to rejuvenate our energy.
I don't like to party every weekend. I love using my weekend to accomplish some little things and also take that time to watch some movies, dance or even read some books.

The weekend is meant to be spent at home not in a bar or at a dancing club. I am not good at going to parties, so it's hard for me to use my weekend and do it.
No, I don't go to party on the weekends because I don't like parties. I prefer to stay at home and take rest so that I may feel fresh and energetic for the next week. I don't drink and I avoid parties where people drink and dance.
It is true, it is stressful. We felt exhausted once we reached home. There is nothing to do after but sleep the whole day to rejuvenate our energy.
Yes, then I have to start worrying about what to wear and who I would be meeting there and all that. I prefer my peace of mind at home anytime and any day.
I don't think that I have such time to be partying every weekend. It won't work for me as I have lots of work to be doing. I only party one weekend in a whole month.
Yes, then I have to start worrying about what to wear and who I would be meeting there and all that. I prefer my peace of mind at home anytime and any day.
Apart from exhaustion, it is also money wasting especially if the venue is far. I have to spend liters of gasoline for I am driving my car.
I don't think that I have such time to be partying every weekend. It won't work for me as I have lots of work to be doing. I only party one weekend in a whole month.

It depends , I party only on occassions like birthday or aniversary of a family member. I don't waste my time or money on parties.
Apart from exhaustion, it is also money wasting especially if the venue is far. I have to spend liters of gasoline for I am driving my car.
Exactly, then there are some cases where you would have to buy a ticket as well. That's more expenses.
It's not easy to party every weekend unless you make big money every week and have that sort of friend circle