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Do you like to out in the rain?



Apr 30, 2024
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Today's weather is lovely here. Here, it is pouring a lot in the evening. We had been hoping for rain for the past few days. Recently, I walked outside into the rain and enjoyed myself despite getting drenched. I used to make paper boats and watch them float in the rain on the road. We used to go for water jumps, but these days I don't see youngsters having as much fun as we did; instead, they seem to be confined to their homes during the rain. Do you still enjoy playing in the rain?
Lol I still enjoy it when it rains but unlike before, I no longer enjoy being in the rain, I would rather prefer i be in bed watching a good movie while it rained.
You made me remember when we were little, I used to go out in the rain to dance and play😀. But that was then, I don't do such a thing again now.
Lol I still enjoy it when it rains but unlike before, I no longer enjoy being in the rain, I would rather prefer i be in bed watching a good movie while it rained.

And what about the kids in the locality? Do they enjoy being in the rain and make paper boats float in the water?
And what about the kids in the locality? Do they enjoy being in the rain and make paper boats float in the water?
Lol they don't, probably their parents does not allow them come out in the rain. Though I have seen some of them run around in the rain a few times before.
Lol they don't, probably their parents does not allow them come out in the rain. Though I have seen some of them run around in the rain a few times before.

Frankly speaking I saw two boys playing in the rain today so remembered my childhood days.
Frankly speaking I saw two boys playing in the rain today so remembered my childhood days.
Lol that's nice, am sure if they see an adult playing in the rain am sure people would be worried.
Lol that's nice, am sure if they see an adult playing in the rain am sure people would be worried.

🤣🤣 When we grow up that water becomes dirty and unhygienic for us.
🤣🤣 When we grow up that water becomes dirty and unhygienic for us.
😂😂 Very true, we would start noticing all the things that could possibly go wrong if we attempt it. That's how free our minds where when we where younger.
I don't like going out at all but especially not in the rain.
I don't often like to be in the rain now, but I like to stand outside under cover and watch it because I like how the smell of the air changes, especially when it starts to rain after a hot day