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Do you Like To Leave Product Reviews?



Mar 23, 2024
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I guess most of us do like to buy online or at least buy online sometimes but I don't think everyone likes to leave a review on the product page but actually, we should so that prospective buyers will know if the product is worth it or not.

Do you Like To Leave Product Reviews?
If I buy a product from a site where there are already many reviews, I will never leave a review because in my opinion it will be a waste of time, but if there are no reviews at all, then I will leave my own review, especially if I have quality problems with this product
Not always, the truth of the matter is that I tend to forget to drop a review majority of the times. There are a few times I have dropped some reviews though.
That depends on if I have the time. But to be honest, most times I don't bother about giving reviews on any product that I get. If I don't complain about the product then it means I actually enjoyed using it.
I love to leave reviews in order to share my experience about the product I bought because everyone has its own understanding base on different products so I usually leave a review for what ever I ordered and used them
If I buy a product from a site where there are already many reviews, I will never leave a review because in my opinion it will be a waste of time, but if there are no reviews at all, then I will leave my own review, especially if I have quality problems with this product
That's a good way to tackle this situation and incidentally I have mostly buy products that have reviews and made my opinion after reading those reviews
Not always I leave review on the site. It's very rare I do that. I also think it's a waste of time because majority of people don't read the reviews, at least I don't before buying a product or the service.
I seldom leave a product review if I do not have any idea about the product. I am only reviewing or reading on the reviews from the viewers to get a hint so when I encounter that product I may buy it or not.
I like to leave review on the product page only when there are not many realistic reviews
I like to leave review on the product page only when there are not many realistic reviews

How do you identify that the reviews are not realistic? I can't, it's not easy to do that.
How do you identify that the reviews are not realistic? I can't, it's not easy to do that.
It's possible if you read every review. It's time consuming but you'll find which ones are realistic and which are not