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Do you like sleeping with pillows?

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Sep 23, 2023
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There are those who doesn't like sleeping with pillows. My mother is like that, according to her, pillows hurt her neck whenever she makes use of it. It doesn't matter if it's a soft pillow, her neck will hurt in the morning when she wakes up.

I can't sleep without at least 2 pillows. They makes it easier for me to sleep with suspending my neck a bit from the bed and hugging one of them.

How do you feel about sleeping with pillows?
Yeah I can't sleep without pillows.
I sleep with one pillow. Anything more or less would make it uncomfortable either while I’m sleeping or in the morning after.
Anything less would be no pillow at all and that's never gonna happen with me. I wouldn't even fall asleep to begin with. I can manage one if I can't have two.
Yes, I can't imagine myself sleeping without a pillow. I use 2 pillows always whenever I want to sleep. One for my head and one to hug.
I can't sleep without pillows, no matter how much I have tried in the past. I need at least 2-3 pillows for it to be comfy enough for me to sleep.
I can't sleep without my pillows. They make it so comfy for me to sleep. If I don't sleep with my pillows, I'll have neck pains.
Do you need pillows in airplanes?

I do, not for my seat but in fact for me to lean on, on the window. And for me to feel comfortable, yes, it must be a window seat
I love sleeping with pillows! They provide the perfect amount of comfort and support for my head and neck, allowing me to have a restful night's sleep. It's like cuddling with a soft cloud! I can't sleep without a pillow. I've never done so.
Yes, I can't imagine myself sleeping without a pillow. I use 2 pillows always whenever I want to sleep. One for my head and one to hug.
The companies which made pillows knows how important it is for people to make use of those pillows to sleep. It's only those who feel pains in their neck after sleeping with pillows I feel sorry for because they can't force themselves to use pillows since it's causing them a health challenge.
I always use at least 2 pillows. I can't sleep with only one pillow. I would not be comfortable using only one pillow to sleep. Pillows helps me to sleep well.
I love sleeping with pillows! They provide the perfect amount of comfort and support for my head and neck, allowing me to have a restful night's sleep. It's like cuddling with a soft cloud! I can't sleep without a pillow. I've never done so.
It's true about how using pillows to sleep makes your neck be supported very well. I hate having to wake up in the morning with neck pains. This neck pains does not heal quickly. I have had them in the past. Sometimes, it takes 2 days for me to start feeling better.
It's 50/50 for me, because sometimes the pillow is very comfortable for me, but if I lie on it for a long time, my neck really starts to hurt and I have to take it away. And even orthopedic pillows help 100 percent from neck pain, so you even have to do various exercises for this
With knowing how strong orthopedic pillows are, there isn't what is going to make me spend my hard earned money in buying such a strong pillow. I lodged in a hotel last week and found out they had used only orthopedic bed in their rooms, I had to ask for my money to be refunded because I can't sleep in such a bed.
I need a pillow to sleep, not just to rest my head but also rest my leg, I will have difficulty sleeping if I do not have a pillow. However, I do not need a big pillow, medium height pillows are just fine for me. However, as a kid I did not require pillows, I could easily sleep without a pillow. I do not like hard or too soft pillows.
If a pillow is filled up too much, it will not me comfortable for the neck when you are making use of it to sleep. Pillows need to be soft and averaged filled up. This is the kind of pillows that you need to make your sleep a wonderful experience. Sleeping with pillows is a pure bliss.
I can't sleep without my pillows. They make it so comfy for me to sleep. If I don't sleep with my pillows, I'll have neck pains.
Have you tried? Because I also thought that I would have pain if I slept without a pillow, but it is very nice to do it once a week in order to relax some muscles and then you can sleep with a pillow for a whole week and nothing will hurt