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Do you Like Bank FD and RD?



Mar 23, 2024
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Bank Fixed deposit schemes and Recurring deposit schemes have been running from a very long time and I guess from the time banks were introduced and these schemes are popular for those that does not like to risk their money and just expect a better Rate of Interest on their deposits as on savings bank account we cannot expect even 4% Interest rate. In FD we need to deposit a fixed amount in the beginning but in RD we need to deposit a fixed amount every month for the time period for which the RD will work.

Do you Like Bank FD and RD?
I don't really use my bank account for complex things like this, I just use it to save money and carry out my various transactions for business and the likes.
I have both RD and FD and I don't like them both because they both pay very less interest on the saving. It's better to invest in the stocks or mutual funds which pay better returns on your money.