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Gaming Do you have spare controllers for your console?

Ja sa bong


Sep 23, 2023
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I've always made sure to keep a spare controller for my gaming because of how I usually get with breaking/hitting my controllers out of frustration whenever I'm playing a difficult game. I rage at games whenever I can't win and it's my controllers that suffers the most.

Do you see yourself breaking your controllers whenever you're being frustrated by a game?
I don't break controllers but I have a spare controller. I bought it so that I could use it when my main controller runs out of charge but I end up using my main controller while it's charging, so I never use my spare controller.
I try not to break my controllers when I get upset at a video game. I used to be really bad as a kid and almost broke one of my controllers. My best friend not only broke controllers when he would get mad, he would break games too. One time he was playing Street Fighter 2: Championship Edition on the Genesis and he got mad, took the cartridge out of the console, and smashed it. He got in trouble too, and I had to go home lol.
I always have a spare stashed because I wouldn't know when it's going to be a life saver when I wanted to play. One of my controllers have died on me once. It was my spare that saved me that very day.
I don't break my controllers but I always have a spare 3rd party controller just in case I have any issues with my main controller.
I haven't had any issues with my controller, so haven't needed to use any of the 3rd party ones.
I do not have spare controllers for my consoles. I would have bought a spare controllers if I had someone to play with me, however, I am the only one who plays game, my kid is too small to play games and my spouse does not play games. When my kid starts plying game, I will certainly buy another controller.
I don't break controllers but I have a spare controller. I bought it so that I could use it when my main controller runs out of charge but I end up using my main controller while it's charging, so I never use my spare controller.
Having all kinds of frustration when playing video games is why I kept having to damage my gaming console controllers. Another thing is the kind of games I played and how often I play those games. They impact and affect my console controllers which makes them damage.
I don't have a console, for my PC though I have a controller,but I do not have a spare one. I mostly play alone, so I saw no need in buying one.
"Absolutely, I always make sure to have backup controllers on hand. There's nothing worse than being in the middle of an intense gaming session and having your controller die on you. I've got a couple of spare DualSense controllers charged and ready to go for my PS5.
I've always made sure to keep a spare controller for my gaming because of how I usually get with breaking/hitting my controllers out of frustration whenever I'm playing a difficult game. I rage at games whenever I can't win and it's my controllers that suffers the most.

Do you see yourself breaking your controllers whenever you're being frustrated by a game?
Actually yes I always check on my spare controller before I start playing games because I always hit the controller out of frustration when ever I have been trying hard to win.