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Do you have any fun plans for the weekend?



Mar 28, 2024
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I'm really looking forward to this weekend! On Saturday, a group of us are going hiking at a nearby state park. The weather is supposed to be beautiful, so it will be great to get outdoors and enjoy nature. Then on Sunday, I'm helping my sister move into her new apartment. While not the most fun activity, I'll get to explore her new neighborhood and we're planning to order takeout from a highly recommended pizza place to celebrate after!
I don't have any plans this weekend. We would be having our yearly children convention this weekend, so my little nieces and nephew would be in town for the weekend. So it's going to be a semi full house I guess.
I don't think it will be this weekend, but for sure next weekend I plan to go to the aqua park with my friends because they built a new slide there and it is quite high and I would like to try it because there will be discounts in honor of its opening
I'm not sure how this weekend will be yet, but right now there's nothing planned. Maybe later in the week I will have something planned out, but as it stands, the only thing constant this weekend is the morning jogs.
Yes I think I have because I spend almost 9 months studying away from home and now I having a holidays a chance to come back I think I will be glad to visit some places that I missed and I will spend a lot of time playing games with my family and friends
All my weekends are always at home. I don't do clubbing and I don't have much friends that I can visit. I prefer to stay indoors, but all the sweet things that will keep me busy while watching my movies.