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Do you have a pet?



Mar 28, 2024
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I have an adorable golden retriever named Buddy. He's been a constant source of joy and laughter in my life for the past 6 years. From his goofy antics and boundless energy as a puppy to his gentle, loving nature now, Buddy brightens every day. Having a furry companion to come home to and take on adventures makes even the most stressful times more manageable. Dogs truly are a human's best friend. While the responsibilities of pet ownership aren't always easy, the unconditional love and delight Buddy brings make it all worthwhile.
Currently, my answer is no. I do not have a pet right now, but I might consider getting one very soon to serve as my companion after the previous one died.
I'm not a pet owner, and I never wanted one since I'm a lazy person and don't think I could handle the responsibilities of a pet. Furthermore, due to the limited size of my home, pets like dogs and cats cannot stay here.
Same goes for me too although I have planned to pet a Dog but I decided against it looking at the responsibilities I need to take to pet it as none of my family members were interested
I don't have a pet, and I don't plan on having one anytime soon. I never grew up with pets so I guess it's pretty much used to me, and I doubt I would have the time to care for one right now.
I don't have a pet, and I don't plan on having one anytime soon. I never grew up with pets so I guess it's pretty much used to me, and I doubt I would have the time to care for one right now.

For me, it's the same. I've never had a pet, and I don't want one since I know I won't be able to give it the care it needs, and it's better to give up on something if you can't take on.
I don't have any pet right now because pets are very expensive to maintain. I can't be struggling to feed myself and now also struggle to feed a pet. I love dogs as pets but I don't think I can afford to keep it now.
Now I don't have a pet because I have children and spend most of my time with them, but I think that one day they will want a pet of their own and I will have to adopt from a shelter
Yes I own a cat pet and I am currently looking forward to buy a dog pet also because I am a fan of pets my life is incomplete without pets
A Betta fish called Montgomery, several shrimps and ottofish, 2 coryfish called Bubble and Squeak and an assassin snail called Gerald.