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Do you have a leadership quality?



Apr 30, 2024
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When you are in the corporate world, you must possess good leadership skills to get work from your subordinates. If you don't have this quality, there are fewer chances of your growth because most of the companies want dynamic leadership, not an individual worker. I must say I am not a good leader; I lack this quality in me, and I have been working on it. Do you have a good leadership quality, or do you also lack it? If you also lack it, then what do you do to enhance it?
I also don't have these leadership qualities and I prefer to work under someone. I need to improve my communication skills also
Several times I have been choosen to hold leadership positions, so am guessing it's safe to say I might have some leadership qualities. Left for me I won't apply for these positions though cause I feel am not good enough.
Actually no I don't have and I think I loose interest on it I prefer to work or control under someone in other to live my life without any responsibility
I know that I am naturally very good at managing and motivating people. I would proudly say that I am a natural leader. I have been made leader in different places and I would say that I did well. Leaders need to be resilient people and I have that in abundance.