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Do you have a bucket list?



Mar 4, 2024
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Basically a bucket list is a piece of paper, book, or anything else containing the list of things you would like to do or accomplish within a certain period of time. Do you have one? At the moment I do not have anyone, but am hoping to get one soon.
I don't have any such list but I would like to have at least 1-2 stable passive income streams and at least 1-2 more earning streams
That's nice, I do not have a list but I have goals I would like to achieve. I feel there is no need putting them down, though it might help me stay more on track and be more focus if I put them down.
Off course yes I do, I have a bucket list which I used write so many thing's I would like to accomplished with in a period of time because I used to be actually make so many thing's faster and serious because there is a lot of things that I wrote to archive my goal
It's good to write our goal and work to achieve it although we cannot make it in a day or two or a month but we need to be focussed to achieve that
Off course yes I do, I have a bucket list which I used write so many thing's I would like to accomplished with in a period of time because I used to be actually make so many thing's faster and serious because there is a lot of things that I wrote to archive my goal
That's an impressive one, have you been able to complete anything from your list so far?
That's an impressive one, have you been able to complete anything from your list so far?
Yes off course I have completed so many and there are only few that remain despite we are in the 3rd quarter of the year but I will be likely to complete it all
Yes off course I have completed so many and there are only few that remain despite we are in the 3rd quarter of the year but I will be likely to complete it all
There are some things I was hoping to achieve this year and even before October, but as it is right now i doubt it's possible to achieve it but fingers crossed. Let's see how it goes.
I have my goals but these are mostly to do well and also to get married soon LOL and will see when it ultimately happens
Yes I would love to get married, but before that I want to be financially stable. I do not want to get married and start struggling on how to take care of my family