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Do you handle stress well?

Mad Hatter


Mar 6, 2024
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Not me I'm lousy at it, I tend to dwell on stuff and become somewhat obsessive about things. What I do is to tackle the problem head on and not let it fester. But after I deal with it something else will come up, it never seems to stop but that's life huh? It's just one thing after another.:confused:
Well I just make sure that I do what I love once I get home, and that is preparing my favorite meal and watching my favorite tv show. It helps a lot, after which I get a lot of sleep.
Stress is a difficult thing for me, but I don't have it that often. It is not easy for me, but I have several methods to overcome it. First I need to rest and take a hot shower and then eat a good meal and watch a movie. I think in 80 percent of cases it will reduce stress by about 70 percent
For me it's a yes and no. There are times where I am able to handle stress with complete ease, then there are times where I find it extremely hard to sort out things when they become too much for me to deal with.
I would say that I generally handle stress fairly well, though it can certainly be a challenge at times. I've found that developing healthy coping mechanisms, like exercise, meditation, and spending time in nature, help me manage stress in a constructive way. When faced with a stressful situation, I try to take a step back, assess the facts objectively, and develop a plan of action.
Stress really gets to me and I don't know how to really manage it. What I want to do when I am stressed, is just to find a place and sleep. There is no managing if stress more than that for me.
I don't know how to handle stress and I may collapse if I need to handle very stressful things one after the another
It is very difficult for me if I am left alone in such situations. I always hope that there is a person nearby who will help me, because it is difficult to withstand stress by myself.
Yes I handled it very well and I use to have enough sleeping and I eat a lot when I am tired and I spend a lot of time at home
Not me I'm lousy at it, I tend to dwell on stuff and become somewhat obsessive about things. What I do is to tackle the problem head on and not let it fester. But after I deal with it something else will come up, it never seems to stop but that's life huh? It's just one thing after another.:confused:
Yes I do I used to have enough rest when I am stress out because I don't find it easy to do any other things.