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Do You feel Fed Up with Advertisement Breaks In between Movies?



Mar 23, 2024
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I feel fed up and many times in anger I change the channel and there are TV channels that will play a 2 hours movie and takes 4 hours so 2 hours of Advertisement in between which is just insane but too bad we cannot do anything in that and there are times they play movies that you like to see and unable to find anywhere else to watch, or download.

Do You feel Fed Up with Advertisement Breaks In between Movies?
It's usually annoying, especially when it gets to the interesting part. Though I usually prefer downloading my movies, so I don't normally face issues like this.
Yes, it is frustrating when you see lots of advertisements in the breaks. I don't like watching movies on TV for this reason, as they waste our time. It's better to watch movies on YouTube. I have not watched movies on a TV channel in recent times.
Same here it has been mostly downloads. It's one reason I enjoy watching the ones I download so I can watch them offline anytime I want to without any worry of ads disturbing me.
Actually that was part of the major reasons why I prefer to download or send movies on my smartphone because I don't like advertisement breaks.
Some of the Tv channels are so frustrating that they keep running advertisements all the time. That's why I now prefer to watch movies on OTT apps like Netflix.
Advertisements are important for the revenue so even if you dislike but these tv channels will run these to make money from these.
These advertisements are the biggest source of their earning so they keep running ads all the time without even caring for the viewers.
Nobody will feel happy about advertisements always done in between movies. It's quite frustrating which had made me several time to change channel. I know it's the advertisement that's giving them the money but they should have a cut on it.