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Do you favor Martial law?



Mar 18, 2024
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When I was a kid, my country was under a state of Martial law, and there was total peace the people were afraid to commit a crimes. The criminals if found guilty will be electrocuted. There was an electric chair for the execution of a criminal guilty of a heinous crime. This time, many don't like the implementation of Martial law because of abuses by men in uniform. What is your stand on Martial law?
It has its advantages and disadvantags as well, but I feel they can be too strict or brutal most of the times.
It has its advantages and disadvantags as well, but I feel they can be too strict or brutal most of the times.
The brutalities and abuses are mostly done by the police and military. The lower branches of the government are also abusing their powers and authorities to the people.
The brutalities and abuses are mostly done by the police and military. The lower branches of the government are also abusing their powers and authorities to the people.
Yes that's true but it is usually hard to control these people as they tend to abuse their authority or position.
Everything has it's pros and cons. But I believe during material law there are less crimes because people are scared that they may be severely punished if caught.
Yes that's true but it is usually hard to control these people as they tend to abuse their authority or position.
The government under martial law is good but the men in uniform are too abusive to the civilians. There were hostages during the martial law.
The government under martial law is good but the men in uniform are too abusive to the civilians. There were hostages during the martial law.
Yes that's the disadvantage in this kind of ruling. I have heard and read about high level of brutality from these men in uniforms.
Yes that's the disadvantage in this kind of ruling. I have heard and read about high level of brutality from these men in uniforms.
That's right they're scary people with guns to harass the innocent civilians. If they only realize how brutal they are to some weak civilians. They're shameless.
That's right they're scary people with guns to harass the innocent civilians. If they only realize how brutal they are to some weak civilians. They're shameless.
That's what we call oppression. Because they feel they are stronger, they tend to bully does who are weaker than them.
That's what we call oppression. Because they feel they are stronger, they tend to bully does who are weaker than them.
They also feel they are powerful being holders of guns and the citizens feel helpless and only hide when they are around. But some aren't cruel and abusive, they are afraid to abuse innocent civilians.
They also feel they are powerful being holders of guns and the citizens feel helpless and only hide when they are around. But some aren't cruel and abusive, they are afraid to abuse innocent civilians.
Exactly, they feel superior. Someone once said gun on its own has a particular spirit. That does who hold it tend to feel they are invisible to anything out there. Hence most of them tend to do things anyhow.
Exactly, they feel superior. Someone once said gun on its own has a particular spirit. That does who hold it tend to feel they are invisible to anything out there. Hence most of them tend to do things anyhow.
That's right and the brutal truth is they always deny their crimes despite having witnesses. Their defense is their gun and power so the relatives of the accused just pray for a karma to happen to them.
They have gone softer on capital punishment everywhere in the world. It is only for the rarest of rare heinous crime. Well, that has its own pros and cons. If law is misused by those in power, even the innocents might suffer. But not having a strict punishment for heinous crime somewhere fails the judiciary system and encourage others too
For the kind of country that I am from, I believe that this martial law is the best thing for us. I keep saying it that democracy was not meant for all countries because some countries are not mature enough for it.
Many do not like Martial Law to be imposed and legalized in my country. There will be a lot of abuse from the men in uniform. Heinous crimes will also be minimized. In my case, I favor for the implementation of Martial Law and death penalty in my country.
Some heinous crimes deserve that kind of punishment. Justice can only be served with capital punishment. So, it should not be totally banned. From time to time such punishments should be given to create a fear and not let anyone go that way. But then at times, people drunk on money and power start abusing and misusing it.
When my country was under the state of Martial law, heinous cries were eliminated. he criminals were afraid to commit crimes afraid of the Martial law and the death penalty. When there is Martial law, there is also death penalty through Lethal Injection.